SPC is an application for the management of spare parts catalogs. It manages the BOM, the realization of the boards and automatically paginates. The advantages of a management application for the creation of spare parts catalogs are numerous and mainly translate into:

  • Recovery and reuse of tables already made
  • Reduce translation costs
  • Automatic pagination in various languages in PDF format
  • Managing board revisions

SPC consists of two modules:

  • Catalog Management (SPC)
  • Web publishing (WSPC)

Freedom in catalog management

The structure of the catalogue is divided into Category, Family, Catalog and Revision. Tables and separate tables can be placed within the catalogue.

Reuse of boards

The tables, composed of bill and drawing, can be reused from catalogs already existing within the program

Link to translations

The translation of the bills is managed by the program. Data that has already been translated is not re-exported for translation

Comparison of BOMs

It is possible to compare the lists of two different catalogues or revisions and intervene on these

Automatically export the document to PDF format

The catalogue is automatically exported in PDF format, with an interactive index for video consultation.

Web publishing

The catalogue can be published on the web. In this way we have the interactivity between distinct and particular. Selecting the detail displays the item in the bill and vice versa.